URL of experiment: Pavlovia (or Sign in · GitLab if that’s more helpful)
Description of the problem:
In case it’s helpful, I am trying to create a PsychoPy/PsychoJs version of this experiment: OSF | Feng, S., D’Mello, S., & Graesser, A. C. (2013). Wiki
The experiment runs beautifully in PsychoPy, but I am having trouble getting it to run in Pavlovia. I seem to basically have the same problem as reported on Psychojs - Inner Loop pattern - #8 by rrennert14 and Error When importing condition: extension currently not supported.
In PsychoPy Builder my experiment looks like this:
Briefly, my experiment contains multiple nested loops:
- I have an outer loop (Choose_Set) that loads a condition file SetCondition.csv. This condition file contains a column passage_condition, listing the rows Set1_Passages.csv and Set2_Passages.csv
- The next loop “inward” (AllPassages) then calls $passage_condition as condition file and should thus call either Set1_Passages.csv or Set2_Passages.csv. These .csv files in turn contain the columns passage_list and comprehension_list which list further .csv files associated with the different passages.
- These different passages are called in loops even further “inward” (passage_loop and comprehension_loop) which call $passage_list and $comprehension_list respectively which contain the actual variables called in the routines Sentence and Comprehension.
As reported before, Pavlovia appears to only import the conditions file in the outer loop and does not load the condition files in the inner loops, which means I get lots of 'undefined" conditions. I am currently completely stuck on how to to resolve this.
The javascript console gives the following error:
I have tried creating dummy loops as suggested in Error When importing condition: extension currently not supported - #5 by Francesco_Poli, which not only made the experiment somewhat unwieldy/unelegant (given the 20 or so .csv files in total), but also did not work.
I suppose my only option is to code this. However, given my unfamiliarity with both python and javascript, I could really use some pointers (or perhaps, dare I say it, an example experiment) of where to start or how to approach this.
Any help would be very gratefully received.
Best wishes,