Error in relation to colour in pavlovia

Description of the problem: when i tried to run my experiment, it came up with the following error. I previously tried to change the background colour from grey to black and it came up with the problem. Then I tried to change it back to grey and the problem keeps coming up. Does anyone know how to solve it?

How are you defining the colour?

Try $[0,0,0]

I have entered that but there is this other error that I keep getting that is stopping me from uploading my experiment on pavlovia. Do you know what this is?

Where is your local copy saved?

In a folder on my computer. Do you think the problem is coming from where I have saved the experiment?

Certain locations (e.g. desktop and cloud folders) can cause an issue.

However, reviewing previous solutions to this problem now leads me to ask you whether you are trying to sync a new project but using files that have previously been synced to Pavlovia.

If this project hasn’t yet been synced then I’d recommend copying the essential files (psyexp and resources) to a new folder and syncing from there (to ensure removal of all git files and folders.

If it has previously been synced then it could be due to a bug in one of your components (such as a blank text box).

I think that might be where the problem lies. I did try to sync a new project but using files that had previously been synced. What would you suggest that I do to fix the problem?

I’d recommend copying the essential files (psyexp and resources) to a new folder and syncing from there (to ensure removal of all git files and folders).

I will try that out now thank you

I uploaded all the files into a new folder and everything seemed to sync up well. However, when i tried to pilot the study, it showed a 403 forbidden screen

What URL are you using?
Where in your index.html file on Gitlab?
What version of PsychoPy are you using?
403 forbidden can occur if you are trying to access the wrong folder (e.g. without /html when you accidentally synced to an html folder?

I must admit, I do not know how to answer those first two questions. I am using psychopy3

I tried looking at my code in Pavlovia and it said that the repository for this project is empty

Look for your experiment on your Pavlovia dashboard.

Click on the experiment and set the status to piloting, then press pilot.

it came up with the 403 forbidden message again

could it be that something went wrong when I was trying to upload the files and they did not upload?

Yes, that will be it. You said it synced fine, but I suspect that a syntax error of some form blocked the sync. Does it run offline? Look for error messages when you sync.

the experiment seems to run fine offline

should I delete the experiment I uploaded and try syncing it again?

What I sometimes do in this case is disable components that might be causing an issue, until the experiment syncs and then turn the components back on one by one.