URL of experiment: https://run.pavlovia.org/vanlian/z_yes_pilot
Description of the problem: It said there is something wrong with excel file, but I check the excel file and everything looks good to me. What is the problem exactly indicating and how I can solve. Please help!
I attached a screenshot of the problem below.
Thank you in advance,
I solve the previous error but this one pop up instead. I am not sure what it means or how to solve. Can anyone give me guidance?
Thank you in advance,
Don’t put slashes in participant numbers. Pavlovia interprets them as referencing subfolders.
URL of experiment: SART [PsychoPy]
Description of the problem:
Hello everyone,
I created an experiment by PsychoPy3 and launched it on Pavlovia. Some friends tried the task and two of them got an error message (the photo) at the end of the task. Furthermore, the site did not save the data of these two people. Could someone tell me what happened? [Screenshot 2020-12-29 at 17.30.25]