Error downloading results from pavlovia

URL of experiment: Pavlovia

Description of the problem:


I created the experiment on v3.2.4 and exported html. The experiment runs well but I couldn’t download the results which I ran online. When I click the [download results] green button, the zip file contains only csv files which I ran locally on my computer and none of the csv file I ran online.

With that said, when I deleted all the csv files from the “data” folder, the zip file downloaded online is empty to. It seems that the zip file I downloaded from pavlovia corresponds exactly to my local data folder but not from the server?

Is there something wrong with my code or??


Did you set your experiment to “Database” instead of “CSV” on Pavlovia?

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I had the same issue. Did you solve it?

Did you happen to solve this issue? I am having the same issue right now

Is your experiment to “Database” or “CSV” on Pavlovia?

Are you downloading using the download button in Pavlovia or syncing and then looking in your data folder?

What version of PsychoPy are you using?

I currently have it set to “Database”

I’m downloading using the download button in Pavlovia

I’m using PsychoPy v2022.2.4 (I designed the experiment in Builder)

I should also mention most of the results I am trying to download are results from listening to an audio file and providing continuous ratings.

Will results only download if I complete the session? I have saved incomplete results on, but could it be that the session needs to be completed for it to have downloadable results?

I similarly have tried setting my experiment (Pavlovia) using jsPsych 6.3 to “Database” and have no results, despite completing the study. When I press download, it’s a completely empty folder.