Differentiating Parallel Port Signals for Each Video in a Loop


I am currently working on an experiment where I have a routine with a loop that displays three different video clips. Each time the routine resumes, it cycles through these videos.

Alongside this, I am using a parallel port that sends out a signal with the value “9”. However, for my data analysis, I need each video clip to be associated with a unique signal. (10, 11 …)

I am having trouble figuring out how to modify the parallel port signal so that it sends a different value each time a new video starts playing. I would like the signals to be distinct for each video to differentiate them in my data.

Could anyone provide some guidance or sample code on how to achieve this? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help.



How about adding a second parameter to your Excel file that contains the code that differentiates the videos and sending it to the parallel port?

Best wishes Jens

How would you go about getting this to work? I have added a parameter to my conditions file but I can’t seem to to get it to actually send the triggers to the port.