Yes, I did it myself and everything was fine.
I also had people who quit halfway (without even getting to the last page, let alone hitting the “OK”), but their data got saved fine.
I’m still going through some posts in the forum, but a few questions still linger:
- The “OK” pop-up window is normally shown several seconds after the participant finish the last page and hit ESC, so if they do that and if the system works fine it should save the data. What if the participants did not wait until the pop-up window to show up, got to the last page, and directly closed their browser window—will the data still be saved? Will the data be reserved?
- When a session has reserved credit, the documentation only says that indicates “the participant initiated the session.” However I’m not quite clear if that means they quit the study halfway, or just got to the first frame of the study and closed the browser window immediately.
- What does it mean when the credit is “reserved”? A similar post mentioned that reserved credits will be released 24 hrs afterwards, but does it mean that the “incomplete” data will be made available to download in CSV format after 24 hours only? Does that possibly explain why I don’t see the data even though I know some people finished it?
A similar post is here, just for reference: Pavlovia credits reserved, no data