Customizing the text in the initial dialog box

URL of experiment:

Description of the problem: I’m wondering if it is possible to change the text in the dialog box that appears at the start of the study (i.e., that shows the participant ID, etc.). I would like to include some simple instructions (i.e., don’t type anything in any text fields, close other tabs, press “ok” to begin). Is there a way of doing this? Thank you.


Why not include this part as the first routine of your experiment?

Thank you for your response. I’m referring to the dialog box someone would see after they click the link to a Pavlovia study. Most, if not all, of the participants in this study will not have used Pavlovia before, and the study will be communicating with our SONA system. SONA will be copying a participant ID code into the participant ID field, so I don’t want participants doing anything with that (it is used to give them credit automatically). I also don’t want them to click “cancel” because they might not realize they need to click “ok” to start the study.


you can disable the info dialog box. Untick Show info dialog in Edit experiment settings. This works at least offline. Never tried it online.

Best wishes Jens

Thank you for that suggestion - unfortunately, the dialog box still appears when running the study online.


ok, Why do you copy the SONA participant-id to the participant-id field? I use formr to collect demographic information, then go to Pavlovia, set some participant-id but that is different from the formr-id, I use the formr-id to jump back to formr after the experiment has been completed.

Best wishes Jens

SONA is now set up to pass the SONA ID code into the participant ID field automatically using a link (so I don’t need to trust participants to do so). I need the SONA ID code embedded in the data file so I can link that data to another part of the study (as well as to automate credit granting), and I’m not collecting any data other than the data I’m collecting with my psychopy/psychoJS program (a combined OSPAN and RSPAN task). I appreciate your response, but all I want to do is add some text to the initial dialog box to tell participants not to type anything into the participant ID field and to click ok to start the task. I would rather not have to have SONA link to a Qualtrics survey that is then linked to pavlovia, which then links back to Qualtrics and then back to SONA if I can have SONA and pavlovia communicate directly.


I don’t know a way to add some text to the info-box. That is why I am suggesting different solutions. One could be that you save the SONA-participant ID to a variable in PsychoPy and use this variable instead of the participant-id which might have modified by participants to jump back to SONA. Anyway some text would not prevent participants to change the text nonetheless. What you need is a readonly-field.

My experience is that participants do not change the participant-id if it filled out with some value.

Sorry, but, AFAIK, you seem to be asking for a feature that is currently not available.

Best wishes Jens

Thank you - I appreciate your suggestions. I had seen a couple of threads that reference making changes to the psychoJS file that sets the parameters for that dialog box, and I was hoping it would be possible to pass values to it in a code component. Worst case, I can change the name of the program to “ospan - please click ok to begin the task” to have that shown as the title of the dialog box.




well, there was some discussion about customization about the info dialog box here.

But it does not come up to your needs.

I guess I would add an explanation on the SONA that if one alters the participant number no credit will be assigned. Your participants are grown-ups :wink:

Best wishes Jens

Thank you for that information about the dialog-box discussion. As it turns out, serendipity got involved - passing the SONA survey code to the participant field of the pavlovia data file in the pavlovia URL results in the participant field in that dialog box not being visible, essentially making it tamper-proof. I appreciate your input - now I just need to figure out why some of the variable values in the conditions file are being used more than once.

