'Context' is not identified Urgent

Thank you, but I did manage to do it the way I want it to be :slight_smile: There’s just one problem, data of the psy.exp file (everything Psychopy measures, timing etc. ) looks unreadable. How can I fix this? Thanks.

This is the experiment:
finalyase.psyexp (49.0 KB)

And this is its excel file:
finalexcel.xlsx (14.1 KB)

And this is its PROBLEMATIC data file (measuring time etc):
mustafa_finalyase_2022-05-06_22h46.53.503.csv (14.3 KB)

mustafa_finalyase_2022-05-06_22h46.53.503.xlsx (19.6 KB)
Yes I understand that the csv output can look quite overwhelming initially but I’ve highlighted the columns which I believe you are interested in (i.e. reaction times) here. If you noticed, in the columns highlighted, the header name ends with .rt and the name of your keyboard in each routine is at the beginning.

I have also highlighted the column where the keys pressed in your question routine is at. While you can compare the keys pressed with the correct answer, you can let psychopy do this automatically where you store correct in the keyboard component.

Thanks so much! You’ve been a lifesaver. How can I do that please?

And do I have to do the same thing for each participant’s csv data output file? Because 20 people will participate in the experiment and there will be 20 different csv data output files. How can they look like this automatically, I mean how can they be ‘readable’ automatically? :slight_smile:

You can make use of the CorrAns column in the finalexcel.xlsx file. In your keyboard component for the question routine, if you click on the data tab, you will see a field called Store correct. If you check that box, an empty field will appear and if you type in $CorrAns, it will track/store accuracy in the column key_resp_8.corr in your csv output. 1 will be correct and 0 will be wrong.

However, I realised the allowed keys in your task is a and i whereas the correct answer is either a or b. You need to ensure that these are consistent or it won’t work.

In terms of data extracting and collating, if you are running this online, you can choose to save your format using database. That way, all the data will be saved in one excel file and all you need to do is to extract the relevant columns.

If it’s offline, the database option is not available. However, you can use a script to extract all the relevant columns and write them into a new csv file. I can send you a demo if you are interested in this option.

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Is this okay?

Which one do you think is easier? Running it offline or online? In terms of collecting data. And that csv file I sent you was unreadable. What can I do to have readable output files like the one you sent me back?

It looks good from what I can tell.

If you’re running it offline, it is totally free. If you run it online, you would need to pay 1 credit (£0.20) per participant or have an institution license. You can check here if your institution has a license Pavlovia. If it does, then you can run as many participants as you want for free.

If by readable, you mean highlight the relevant columns, I did that in excel. As previously mentioned, you can either manually extract the relevant columns from each csv or I can share with you a demo on extracting the columns you want and you will have a csv with just those columns for every participant.

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I’ve just checked it and unfortunately, my university does not have a license. I will have to choose the offline version.

If by readable, you mean highlight the relevant columns, I did that in excel. As previously mentioned, you can either manually extract the relevant columns from each csv or I can share with you a demo on extracting the columns you want and you will have a csv with just those columns for every participant.

Yes, please, thank you so much.
What I’m trying to say is that the csv file I sent to you is so disorganised and dispersed, meaning that there are NOT certain columns and then certain cells under them, they are not in an order. Each item is all over the place. I need my csv data output files to be neat as yours (the one you kindly revised for me) to extract the necessary data without getting lost in the file.

I can share with you a demo on extracting the columns you want and you will have a csv with just those columns for every participant.

Yes, please :slight_smile: Thanks so much…

extract stroop data demo.zip (5.0 KB)
Hi, so this extraction script is based on the stroop demo. You can edit the script by replacing the name of the existing columns to yours that need extracting.

Thank you, I opened them but they are like the ones I sent to you, they look so disorganised. You can have a look at the ss. This was the problem I was trying to say. I’m trying to fix it, but it still looks like this, and it’s unreadable this way.

Oh I didn’t realised you meant this. If you follow this link Split text into different columns with the Convert Text to Columns Wizard, it should fix it.