Edit: Per a previous post, I switched to “straight quotes” and it now works. I’m leaving this up in case there is some other issue with the guide I posted.
Hmm, everything is working, except when I test the experiment, clicking in SONA on the “Sample Link with embedded URL” the survey runs fine, saves my data, but then just hangs on a grey screen instead of going back to SONA. Any idea what might be causing that?
I can’t see an error in that, though I notice that you are still using html as an Output path. Do double-check that all of the single and double quotes are "dumb" not “smart”.
Hi David, I was just wondering how did you manage to fix this problem in the end? I didn’t get what you mean by “switched to straight quotes”…
The problem I’m facing now is exactly the same as yours, and when I put $" before the URL that I copied from SONA in the “completed URL” box, I will have an error saying that "Python syntax error in field ‘Completed URL’ ".
Please can you give me some suggestions?
Ahhh, I see. Thank you for your reply David! But in my case the output path is already in blank and if I add $” before the URL, then the error will appear.
If I didn’t put $” and test it, I can run the study and save my data, and then there’s a grey black window but cannot redirect back to SONA…
I need to let participants go to Pavlovia first then to Qualtrics. I’ve followed instructions on SONA’s helping system but didn’t work. Don’t have any clue what the problem is.