Changing trigger number for varying stimuli in builder

I am very happy about getting mor involved in using Psychopy, but I struggle a bit. I just got a new brain vision EEG system (from brain products) including a triggerbox that connects my stimulus laptop with the amplifier and recording laptop.
What I want to do is the following: I conduct ERP studies. My first experiment includes 3 word conditions (my, his, a), each word being randomly presented for 500ms and 40 times. Each word presentation is to be identified by study participants. Finally, what I need to calculate ERPs out of raw EEG data are triggers that code for kind of word (a, my or his) and the answer (button press: correct or incorrect).
Now, I know that creating an excel sheet is the basis for psychopy to know what words exist and what answers are correct, but can this this sheet also include a column with condition-dependent trigger codes that psychopy’s builder can read in somewhere?
If this is possible, how and where do I load the excel sheet in so that psychopy correctly understand and uses different trigger numbers for the randomly presented different words?

Any help would be so much appreciated. I love psychopy and I really want to become a skilled user of it.
