Cannot open a .psyexp file in a deafult setting of 'running' mode

I created a program in the builder of PsychoPy 2024.1.4. Since the sound component couldn’t be played in the default device (it is a bug fixed in version 2024.2), I turned to PsychoPy 2024.2.1, and everything goes fine now.

However, there is still an issue I can’t ignore. Everytime I double click the .psyexp file, the default mode of the builder is ‘pilot’. I have tried to change the run mode to ‘Running’ in the Experiment Settings. But after I save the settings, close the file and open it again, it’s still in the piloting mode.

I don’t want to set the mode manually everytime I’m conducting an experiment. How can I set the running mode once for all?

OS: Win 11
PsychoPy version: 2024.2.1
Standard Standalone? (y/n): y
What are you trying to achieve?: Set the ‘running’ mode in the builder once for all

Same issue happens to the 2024.2.2 version.

Same issue with 2024.2.4 version