I have recently finished 2 experiments using the builder and I have been trying for several days now to put the programs on my participant testing computers. Suddenly, when I try to open my .psyexp files, the black window opens, and sometimes I see the white Psychopy intro box with the logo and university name, and then everything just exits. It never gets to the point of opening the .psyexp or the runner or anything else. I have also been trying to just open Psychopy to see if it is my experiment, or the entire software program. And now Psychopy will not open at all, and the same thing happens (black window, intro box, closes).
I copied my experiment to my flashdrive (while it was still working perfectly fine) and moved it to two of my testing machines, and am having the exact same issue now on those systems. Both when trying to open from the .psyexp I created, and also from the Psychopy install folder…
I have looked at other posts and some have mentioned that on Windows computers (all of the systems I’m using are Windows), the issue is it will hide the program, and you can right click the taskbar and select cascade windows to see if it is open. I tried this and it was not the issue. I also have uninstalled and reinstalled psychopy on my laptop (I’ve been using version 2022.1.2 so I reinstalled that same version in case my programs would not work with newer version) and it opened properly once. And then never again.
I’m becoming very worried as now I am behind on my deadlines and my advisor is unhappy with me. So any ideas would be greatly appreciated!