URL of repo: Achin P / basic_working_example · GitLab
I’m facing the issue that only the first image is getting displayed from the conditions_file and experiment ends after it without any errors.
I have designed a very basic experiment. I only have one routine with 2 components as shown:
With image component containing the following:
This is my trials loop:
Now with each iteration of the loop, i would expect the stimuli to be displayed for 2s, but what ends up happening is that I only see the first image, and the experiment ends (it keeps on happening in pavlovia as well. have tried both set every repeat / frame)
To check what’s happening, I added a code component with the following:
This is the output I get in the console:
It looks like the first loop of the routine works fine(for 104 frames). But then the loop keeps on changing image each frame.
Would be grateful if someone could help.