Amount of time each routine is run seems to be variable

URL of repo: Achin P / basic_working_example · GitLab

I’m facing the issue that only the first image is getting displayed from the conditions_file and experiment ends after it without any errors.

I have designed a very basic experiment. I only have one routine with 2 components as shown:

With image component containing the following:

This is my trials loop:

Now with each iteration of the loop, i would expect the stimuli to be displayed for 2s, but what ends up happening is that I only see the first image, and the experiment ends (it keeps on happening in pavlovia as well. have tried both set every repeat / frame)

To check what’s happening, I added a code component with the following:

This is the output I get in the console:

It looks like the first loop of the routine works fine(for 104 frames). But then the loop keeps on changing image each frame.

Would be grateful if someone could help.


Your programme may be suffering from a bug in PsychoPy/PsychoJS. Either upgrade to the latest version 2024.2.4 or set the version to 2024.1.4.

Best wishes Jens