If you are running experiments online, and currently have version 2024.2.3, then I strongly recommend that you upgrade to 2024.2.4 which fixes a non-slip timing issue that was causing routines to get skipped.
There may still be some issues with playing audio files in loops.
URL of experiment: Meshi Djerassi / BI_tasks · GitLab
Description of the problem:
I’m facing an issue with my PsychoPy experiment on Pavlovia that started after I tried to conditionally display one of my routines. Originally, I had a more elaborate experiment that was working smoothly. However, once I introduced a conditional display for one routine, I began encountering display issues. Even after removing the condition, the problem persists.
To troubleshoot, I’ve now simplified the experimen…
Hi there
I have a couple of experiments that do not behave as expected when I run them on Pavlovia. I am using PsychoPy version 2024.2.3. Unless I set all stimuli to a fixed duration, some stimuli are not displayed or are skipped. For example, the typical sequence I use is fixation cross, word stimulus. The response ends the routine. Without a fixed display duration and a fixed reaction duration, the fixation cross is not displayed. However, a fixed timing makes the experiment “awkward”. The fi…
Good morning!
I would like to report a possible bug that I incurred in on psychopy version 2024.2.2win64, standalone with python 3.8.
I created an experiment in builder, a simple go/nogo inhibition task. It works perfectly in the builder, but I plan to use it on Pavlovia for an online study.
I succesfully transfered it on my Pavlovia Dashboard. Everything runs well up until past the “instructions” Routine.
Essentially my flow is composed of two parts: a practice Routine with feedback, and th…
Background info:
I used the builder to create this experiment (Psychopy v2024.2.3). It runs fine locally, but I am having timing issues online. More specifically I have a loop that encompasses two routines, the first called “show_pairs”, and the second “rating_phase”.
It looks like this:
and this is my loop:
As you can see, show_pairs has a fixed timing of 4 seconds. This is the routine setup:
The code component there only saves the words shown to the output fil…
URL of repo: Achin P / basic_working_example · GitLab
I’m facing the issue that only the first image is getting displayed from the conditions_file and experiment ends after it without any errors.
I have designed a very basic experiment. I only have one routine with 2 components as shown:
With image component containing the following:
This is my trials loop:
Now with each iteration of the loop, i would expect the stimuli to be displayed for 2s, but what ends up …
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