URL of experiment: Conductual nuev [PsychoPy]
Description of the problem:
In the pilot sessions and the experimental sessions online, after loading the welcome to the experiment screen (the image below), it is frequent it doesn’t allow the participant to move forward when pressing the space bar. This is solved by closing the experiment one or two times and trying again. Nevertheless, it is bothersome, especially if I want to apply my experiment to a larger group of people.
This also ocurred when piloting the experiment on the computer I programmed it. No red flags or problems were marked in my code and the experiment is doing what it was programmed to do.

How can this be solved?
Hello Martin,
I guess we need either access to the psyep-file or your gitlab-repository. At first, it reads as simple as if the duration of the stimulus and the keyboard-press do not match.
Best Jens
Hi, Jens,
Thanks for replying. Here is access to my gitlab-repository: https://gitlab.pavlovia.org/mfloresq/conductuall-nuevo-esp1
Hi, Jens,
Indeed that was the problem. I changed on the psychopy builder and now it works. I tried updating the js code in my repository but it doesn’t seem to fix the problem. Should I make the corrections on pyschopy and then synchronize it with pavlovia?
I tried saving the experiment in the builder and uploading to a new project in pavlovia but the problem remains.
Hello Martin,
I forked your project and run it offline and online without problems. If your programm stops online try to open the browser javascript debuggger (F12 for Firefox) and try to check where the program stops.
Best Jens
Hi, Jens,
Thank you for your reply. By any chance, did you wait more than 10 seconds after going to the next screen? I noticed that if you click space before 10 seconds, it easily goes to the next screen. If more than 10 seconds have passed, the experiment freezes.
Hello Martin,
which screen do you mean? Notice, I speak German, English and have very little knowledge of Dutch. But beyond that? So, I did not follow the instructions but rather gather what to do from the experiment and the allowed keys.
Best Jens
Sorry about that. After you press ok and everything goes full screen, you have the image I uploaded on my first message. That would be the first screen. If you wait less than 10 seconds to press the space bar, it moves on to the next screen. If you wait more than 10 seconds on that screen, the experiment freezes.
Hello Martin,
sorry to say. It continues for me.
BTW, in 2020.2.8. builder complains when you have only one key defined as response key (Python syntax error in field ‘allowedKeys’: /* space */. So, you either add a comma after the key or simply double it: ‘space’, or 'space, ‘space’
Best wishes Jens
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Thanks for all your help, Jens. If I come up with any solutions, I’ll post them.
Best regards!
Hi @Martin_Flores,
I’m experiencing similar issues. When I add ‘space’ as a response key, it doesn’t start the experiment.
Did you resolve this?
If you did, I would be very grateful if you shared how you did so.
Hi again,
I managed to resolve this.
I simply deleted the key response and added a new one. In the ‘Allowed keys’, I didn’t change anything and the spacebar worked.
which version do you use? This problem shouldn’t occur in the current version.
Best wishes Jens
I’m using PsychoPy (v. 2022.2.4)
so, your experiment runs now? Or do you still encounter problems?
Best wishes Jens