Which loop to add for additional recall routine?

I’m building my operation span test. I have my initial loop linking stimuli from my excel which is working great. I also have another routine outside of my loop (otherwise it was repeating showing the same stimuli) which requires recall of items/stimuli from the loop. I have ensured the key response is $CorrResp but I don’t know how to link it with the right spreadsheet. I’m sure I need another loop but I’m not sure which kind and how to link it. I’ve played around a bit but with no luck, hoping someone may help me. Thank you :slight_smile:


Assuming that your participants have to recall more than one item, you need a loop around your recall trial.

Best wishes Jens

Thank you so much. I’ve tried putting another loop around, but I’m struggling to get data on the correct response.
In my experiment, a math equation is presented, then a letter (this repeats upto 7 times) and the participant is required to recall the letters in the correct sequence. my math portion is absolutely fine, but the letter recall is giving me a headache…
I’ve included screenshots… I’m not sure where I’m going wrong - is it the spreadsheet? the loop? my key response or the fact I have textbox and key responses competing? Also, is psychopy case sensitive - do I need to specify capital or lowercase letters? I would be so grateful for some help - thank you so so much

Yes PsychoPy is case sensitive so your keyboard response will only work with caps lock on at the moment.

Your CorrAns column won’t work for a keyboard response either. You’ll need a code component if there’s more than one possible correct answer.

ah, okay, thank you so so much, I’ll look into it and try and code!
thank you