What is current 'Stable' version of PsychoPy3?

Hi Jon and other PsychoPy Developers,

We are moving to Windows 10 as an institution and use PsychoPy in teaching and by students for empirical projects.

Can you advise if there is a stable version of PsychoPy3 that we should aim for in the coming semester and also if it should be expected that the demos shipped with it all run successfully?

I have access to V3.0.1 (via App-V) at my uni desktop and have also installed this same version on a stand-alone laptop for comparison. A number of the Demos tested so far either crash or give an error on completion e.g. the practical IAT and psychophysicsStaircase.

I would also like to understand the design of PsychoPy3 such that it requires an internet connection on startup but have not yet looked at discourse to find out about this aspect of PsychoPy3.

Thanks in advance,
S Rob - Psych Tech

Hi @roberss, the current stable release is version 3.1.4 (see Changelog). However, there is a plan to get further minor releases (e.g., version 3.2+) out by August ready for the lab upgrades that are planned over summer. These new releases will include the new low latency sound and keyboards, as well as other fixes and improvements that will be announced with the release.

Addendum: we found another buglet in 3.1.4 so 3.1.5 (released this afternoon) is the new recommendation


I was searching topics on how to achieve low sound latencies in the newest Psychopy Version (3.1.5) and found your comment, maybe you can help me - Currently I use pygame for creating a short sound stimulus, but according to my test data I assume that the latency from calling the sound.play() function to actually playing the sound is around 100ms. Do you have recommondations for other sound modules with lower latencies in the newest 3.1.5 Version?

Thanks a lot in advance.
