OS: Windows 10
PsychoPy version: 3.0.0b10
Standard Standalone? (y/n): Yes? Honestly don’t know what this means
What are you trying to achieve?:
I have very minimal coding experience, and I’m trying to figure out how to code my experiment. Basically, I need a fixation point (200 ms), followed by a randomly chosen background scene with a centered white square with the fixation point in it (1000 ms), followed by the fixation point being replaced with an object depending on the condition the subject is in until response or time-out (500 ms). This is followed by an intertrial interval that is jittered between 700-1000 ms. I need this to loop for a total of 90 trials for training blocks, 45 trials for test blocks.
I have the stimuli (2 ambiguous figures with each of their nonambiguous forms, and 3 scenes per 3 background categories, giving 9 different scene exemplars). In training, only 2 of the background categories are used, depending on which condition the subject is in. In test, all 3 background categories are used. In training, only the nonambiguous figures are used, type depending on condition, and each being paired with a particular background category depending on condition. In test, only the ambiguous figure is used, again type depending on condition.
What did you try to make it work?:
I honestly don’t know where to start. I know there’s a way to program condition into PsychoPy, but I’m also not opposed to having a separate experiment for each condition. Any help will be much appreciated!