I downloaded and installed the Windows standalone version 2024.2.1post4, but it displays v2023.2.3 in the title bar when opening it. And if I open a task I get a version error:
Experiment was built in a future version of PsychoPy (2024.1.5), we recommend either updating PsychoPy or changing the “Use Version” setting in Experiment Settings to this version.
Is the installer wrong? Where can I get the correct latest standalone version please?
Yeah, I also keep running into this problem. I think I solved it by searching around for Python V. 8 (although with a previous study I only got it to run by upgrading to v.10), so hoping that a correction is published soon, to avoid a catch 22…
Sadly, the latest Windows installer with Python 3.10 again installs an OLD version and gives version errors. It still displays v2023.2.3 in the title bar. Can this be fixed please?
Are you sure? It sounds like 2024.2.2. might be installing into a different folder from 2023.2.3. Please could you check your Windows Program Files folder and shortcuts and check where you old and new versions have been installed?
I’m sure. I did it at least 4 times with the previous and latest release, fully uninstalling before re-installing. The installer shows the correct version, but after it’s not. I even changed the installation directory the last two times. You can also look at the news.txt and it’s old.
Edit: see explanation in next post.
Edit2: news.txt is just old. Looks like it wasn’t updated since 2023-04. But I’m all set now.
A thought: is it possible there was a non-standalone version installed, and that even when I install the standalone and launch it with its start menu shortcut it still runs the non-standalone? I’m going to search for it under my python folders now…
Edit: Yup that was it! I’m definitely not knowledgeable enough to understand what’s going on with the “standalone” vs not, but turns out in my python 3.10, psychopy 2023.2.3 was installed with pip at some point, and it was hijacking the “standalone” installation. So I uninstalled it with pip, and re-installed the standalone version successfully now.
To be honest I find the installation (and uninstalltion) procedure of PsychoPy a rather confusing matter myself. What versions I installed in the past, where these installations reside and what the Windows start menu display seem to be mixed.
If that helps (it helps me at least) on Windows I press the windows button, start typing PsychoPy and I click on the latest version it shows. Below it shows 2024.1.1 (which I have uninstalled) but it opens the newest version i.e. 2024.2.2 when I click on it.
In the meantime, all the versions shown in my start menu should not exist (have been uninstalled) yet the one that is installed (2024.2.2) is not shown
Yet again I am working on a University managed PC so who knows how these are configured.