URGENT: Java Script and Unknown Resource Error

URL of experiment: Johanna Brandt / attitudes · GitLab

Description of the problem: At first the problem was that when I would run it, it would always say resource error. While I was trying to fix it I deleted a Java Script document which also messed the Java up. I urgently need someone to tell me or directly fix the Java issue as well as the resource error which causes the project to just ‘initialize’ now. The project is public. Please have a look if you know what is going on.

You need to remove the html folder (delete locally and remove from Experiment Settings / Online) and resync

Hi! Thank you so much! Does that mean I’d have to remove the html in the folder on my laptop? Andd is this going to fix both issues?

and also (sorry!) my resources folder is in the html folder so how would I do that?

You could move your resources folder into your experiment folder before the deletion if that’s the only place the resources exist.

I’ve done that but now it says 404 not found for some reason?