Unfortunate layout of Pavlovia directory of data folder

URL of experiment: EasyEyes Experiment

Description of the problem:
I’m using PsychoJS through EasyEyes, but I don’t think that matters. When I use the “View code” button to look at the “data” folder in the Pavlovia repo of my experiment, the headings seem great, but the content doesn’t match the headings and the file name is cut off, hiding the (crucial) file extension: csv vs log.gz. I’m attaching a screen shot.

The “Name” column does show filenames, but they are abbreviated to fit. The “Last commit” column, instead of showing a date, shows the filename AGAIN, which is useless. My complaint is that I need to see the WHOLE filename because I want to see which are csv and which are log.gz. (Yes, I can hover over each filename to see a pop up of each, but that’s awkward.) How about dropping the useless “Last commit” column and giving us a double-wide “Name” column?

Hi @denispelli,

I’m not sure how to make the Name column wider, or get rid of the Last Commit column, but the file icon might help you distinguish .csv from .log.gz without having to mouse over the filename.

.csv files have an icon that looks like a piece of paper with 3 lines of writing on it.
.csv icon:image

.log.gz files have an icon that looks like a piece of paper with a zipper running vertically down the center.
.log.gz icon: image

The difference is subtle, but I hope that helps a bit.


Continuing the discussion from Unfortunate layout of Pavlovia directory of data folder:

Oh! Thanks Shabkr. Very helpful.