Hi all,
I am really struggling with getting right number of decimal places in PsychoPy builder (v2022.2.5). I have an excel stimulus file with decimal numbers. I need to present them in PsychoPy with three values after dot. For example, .95 should be presented as .950 I have tried import as a string or float, also tried round, but nothing works for me. In excel file I have saved decimals as numbers and set formatting, so the decimals have three values after dot. I also have tried to save decimals as text.
If anyone had a similar issue, could you please advice on solution.
Thanks a lot,
PsychoPy does not take the cell-format into account when importing values from an Excel-column. IN case you run the experiment offline, just define the text of your text-component as follows:
$format(stim, '.3f')
However, this will not work online. There is more work needed. Create a code-component that you set it to Both instead of Auto → JS and place it before the text-component. In the Begin experiment tab write on the Python-side
stimulus = 0
In the Begin routine tab write
stimulus = '%0.3f' %(stim)
In the JS-side write
stimulus = 0;
in the Begin experiment tab and
stimulus = stim.toFixed(3);
in the Begin routine tab.
This code worked when run locally in a Firefox, Win10.
Refer with $stimulus in your text-component to the newly formatted number.
Best wishes Jens
Thanks a lot, this works fine. I am running offline experiment.
in case of an offline-experiment it makes sense to search the internet for the relevant python code and give it a try.
Best wishes Jens