There was a problem with the feedback in stroop's experiment

I want to do a stroop experiment paradigm, which contains two feedbacks. The overall experimental process is shown in the figure.

One feedback is whether the subject responds correctly to each keystroke.
The second feedback was whether the subjects achieved 80% accuracy in the stroop exercise routine. The subjects can enter the formal experiment only when they reach it, otherwise they can re-enter the cycle to practice until they pass.This feedback I named “jud”, as you can see in the figure.

Before reaching the second feedback, the experiment quit on its own, I don’t know what went wrong, I would appreciate it if everyone helped me find out what went wrong (I’m a beginner)

Have a look for error messages in the PsychoPy Runner

warnings.warn(f"A NumPy version >={np_minversion} and <{np_maxversion}"
1.4218 WARNING Monitor specification not found. Creating a temporary one…
ioHub Server Process Completed With Code: 0
UnboundLocalError: local variable ‘jud_answer’ referenced before assignment
################ Experiment ended with exit code 1 [pid:11560] #################
6004.0263 EXP Imported loopTemplate1.xlsx as conditions, 6 conditions, 4 params
6004.2100 EXP Imported loopTemplate1.xlsx as conditions, 6 conditions, 4 params
6004.2101 WARNING duplicate variable names: congruent, corrAns, lettercolor, word
6004.2131 INFO Loaded monitor calibration from [‘2023_09_24 18:57’]
Alert 4705: Column name ‘word’ in conditions file already exists as a variable in this experiment (user).
For more info see 4705: Column name ‘lettercolor’ in conditions file already exists as a variable in this experiment (user).
For more info see 4705: Column name ‘corrAns’ in conditions file already exists as a variable in this experiment (user).

jud_answer is referenced before assignment.

Look at the text component that presents it. Make sure the text is set to update each repeat instead of constant.

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thank you for answering my question , I will try again.

Thank you man, I was about to go mental over that one. Turned out to be something tiny, as usual :slight_smile: