One feedback is whether the subject responds correctly to each keystroke.
The second feedback was whether the subjects achieved 80% accuracy in the stroop exercise routine. The subjects can enter the formal experiment only when they reach it, otherwise they can re-enter the cycle to practice until they pass.This feedback I named “jud”, as you can see in the figure.
Before reaching the second feedback, the experiment quit on its own, I don’t know what went wrong, I would appreciate it if everyone helped me find out what went wrong (I’m a beginner)
warnings.warn(f"A NumPy version >={np_minversion} and <{np_maxversion}"
1.4218 WARNING Monitor specification not found. Creating a temporary one…
ioHub Server Process Completed With Code: 0
UnboundLocalError: local variable ‘jud_answer’ referenced before assignment
################ Experiment ended with exit code 1 [pid:11560] #################
6004.0263 EXP Imported loopTemplate1.xlsx as conditions, 6 conditions, 4 params
6004.2100 EXP Imported loopTemplate1.xlsx as conditions, 6 conditions, 4 params
6004.2101 WARNING duplicate variable names: congruent, corrAns, lettercolor, word
6004.2131 INFO Loaded monitor calibration from [‘2023_09_24 18:57’]
Alert 4705: Column name ‘word’ in conditions file already exists as a variable in this experiment (user).
For more info see 4705: Column name ‘lettercolor’ in conditions file already exists as a variable in this experiment (user).
For more info see 4705: Column name ‘corrAns’ in conditions file already exists as a variable in this experiment (user).