What are you trying to achieve?:
In the trial loop of my experiment, I have the following routines in sequential order: Stimulus, Response, and Feedback. I am receiving feedback following the keyboard response, however, regardless if the response was correct/incorrect, the feedback is always the negative feedback.
The following is the code I used. It was copied verbatim from the StroopReverse Demo:
Under ‘Begin Experiment Tab’: #msg variable just needs some value at start
Under tab ‘Begin Routine’:
if resp.corr:
msg = "Correct! RT=%.3f" %(resp.rt)
msgColor = "green"
msg = "Wrong!"
msgColor = red
-‘resp’ refers to my keyboard response
-‘corr’ refers to my correct answer parameter from the excel sheet
when inputting code, should there be spaces between words, or no spaces? For example:
" msg = “Correct! RT =%.3f” %(resp.rt) "
" msg=“Correct!RT=%.3f”%(resp.rt)"
Which is correct; or are both fine?
All of my ducks are in a row for the experiment, with the routines running as planned. The only hang-up is that the feedback is always negative regardless of correctness of answer.
Please also provide a screenshot of your keyboard component settings, and show the content of your conditions file that contains the column with the correct answers.
It’s a capitalisation issue. The keys you allow the user to press are “left”, “right” etc but the correct answer you set is “Left”, “Right”… The participant can never get the answer correct because “left” is not the same as “Left”
Thank you, Jon. I’ll be sure to add your name to the acknowledgements section of the research paper I may get published! You and the community here, have been a big help thus far.