If this template helps then use it. If not then just delete and start from scratch.
OS (e.g. Win11):
PsychoPy version (StandalonePsychoPy-2024.2.3-win64-py3.8):
**What are you trying to achieve?: The “set every repeat” is not available in the sound component.
I am now designing an arrow task by Psychopy. Each trail in this block includes a fixation that is presented for 0.5 seconds, followed by a volume graph and pure tone that appear at the same time for 0.8 seconds, and a blank that is presented for 0.8 seconds.
I wrote each condition in an Excel sheet. The number of Neu_Aud_sounds is the hertz value that I want Psychopy to generate. At the same time, I wrote $Neu_Aud_sounds as a variable in the sound component, but the option of “set every repeat” is grayed out and cannot be used.
After removing the sound component, everything is ok.
I am wondering how can I resolve this situation. Is there a problem with this version of Psychopy? Or do I need to write the specified code myself? If I need to write the code, could you provide me with more details?
Thanks a lot.
Have a nice day