Syncing to Pavlovia does not create html files and piloting shows 403 forbidden error

I am trying to upload my task onto Pavlovia and have followed the corrected instructions however, when I try to sync to create a new project, only the git file comes up (in the task folder) and none of the html files. Furthermore when trying to pilot it there is ‘403 forbidden’ error.

I have seen the other entries relating to this topic but I don’t think any of them can help, and I am struggling to understand where its going wrong.

When are you exporting HTML? It should be set to on Sync unless you have a reason to do otherwise.

You can also manually export HTML from the file menu.

Watching the tutorial, it said that when you press the browser button and create a new project, that various files like ‘taskname’.js will appear in the directory folder. Those are also not present. I then tried to find a solution and it mentioned htmls.

Where is the options window located?

Got to Experiment Settings / Online

If you aren’t getting index.html and two js files in your local folder, look for an error message in the Runner.


im not sure why but i don’t seem to have the settings icon under experiment

i will try and again and see what error message comes up in the runner


Strange, which version are you using?

This is what the Builder menu looks like in the version 2024.2.4.

Best wishes Jens

I checked and it’s 2024.2.4

Would it make a difference if im in the coder view not the builder?

Hello @radi

Point taken. The coder menu looks like this


Best wishes Jens

That makes sense/ Is it then having issues because im syncing with pavlovia via coder not the builder?

Ive added special code elements to the builder code hence im not doing it via builder

Hello @radi

The Builder allows you to add code-components. At the same time, it also auto-translates the PsychoPy code to PsychoJS code which is what you need for an online experiment. How do translate the PsychoPS code to PsychoJS code?

Best wishes Jens

I converted the builder to code since we had more complex loops to add to make the design of our study, loops which wouldn’t work on builder, as far as i am aware

I suggest that you go back to your last Builder version and focus on solving the complex loops issue there if you want the experiment to run online.

I see, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you