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Hi, I just built a survey using features of blocks design. However, after completing the survey, only the last block’s response is saved. Am I doing this correctly or there is a bug with saving the data?
I’ve just looked into this and I think I’ve discovered the bug.
When you create a survey, the default question titles are question1, question2, etc. These titles are used in the data file as the variable names. They therefore have to be unique.
The bug is that the uniqueness of the question titles is only being checked within a block, so by default multiple blocks will all use the same titles and will overwrite each other’s data.
Please could you try a workaround of changing the titles. Don’t use question1.1, etc. (which is what I might do in Qualtrics) because the period symbol is used for items within a question. Something else, like underscore should work.
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