Stuck on Tobii... still

OSX 10.14
PsychPy 3.06
Stand alone
Get Tobii eye tracker example in book to work, using the example in chapter 19 in PsychoPy Book.

I think its missing a library and I do not know how to include it. This is the error message I get:

Warning: Unhandled Exception. Killing ioHub Server process.
2019-03-11 11:51:47.142 python[19603:5105247] ApplePersistenceIgnoreState: Existing state will not be touched. New state will be written to (null)
WARNING: pytables package not found. ioHub functionality will be disabled.

Michael suggested that I try:

I couldn’t get that to work either. I’d rather get the book example to work. I have attached both the ,psyexp file and the yaml file(from the PsychoPy book example) because the problem could be either. I put a bunch of print statements so I could narrow in on the problem but no luck so ignore them. In the yaml file I put some questions, they are indicated by #BP my initials.

I feel like if I just have the right import statement, it will work perfectly. I looked at “Show Contents” in PsychoPy3 (a Mac thing) and I can find pytables and iohub, Something is missing, I think.


eyeTracker1.psyexp (18.8 KB)

I changed the extension of the .yaml file to .py
so that this interface would accept it: (8.2 KB)

I wonder if the issue is to do primarily with the pytables package. Can you switch to the Coder view and click on the “Shell” tab and enter:

import tables

And show us any error message if it occurs.

I can do this successfully using the latest developer install, but it fails under the latest standalone version I have (3.0.2).

It seems like the above error is because the pytables package is missing, but even if it was not, the iohub datastore was broken in Python 3 until PsychoPy 3.0.6.

There was also a macOS Python 3 specific bug where psychopy and iohub clocks were misaligned. That just got fixed last weekend; so you may want to use the most recent github master branch code until the next release (3.0.7) is made.

I think that you (and Michael) must be correct. I have some stuff I must do this AM then I am all over it. I will download the latest (3.06?) this afternoon. Stupid me didn’t put down the error message. But it was something about “~ tables not available, killing iohub.” I have two small questions:
1. In the PsychoPy book it says use the .yaml file at:

However, Michael (and others) referred to a .yaml file at [](  I do not know which to use.

2. I downloaded Tobii’s demonstration software for Mac, do you think that will interfere?  []( under downloads.

Probably start with the newer example for Tobii Michael suggested GitHub - aleksandernitka/EyeTracking_Tobii_PsychoPy_IOHUB: a short guide on how to use iohub when using Tobii Eye Trackers with PsychoPy Builder..
I have never tested the Tobii on macOS myself, so that post is probably the best resource.

  1. I downloaded Tobii’s demonstration software for Mac, do you think that will interfere? under downloads.

It should not interfere, and would be a good way to test that the Tobii libraries are working properly outside of iohub, which is always a good place to start.

Michael, Sol and others,
I am sure you are absolutely correct about some dependence not quite right. To the shell, I typed “import tables” and got this:

Python 3.6.1 (v3.6.1:69c0db5050, Mar 21 2017, 01:21:04)

[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin

Type “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.

import tables #What I typed

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “”, line 1, in

File “/Applications/”, line 90, in

ImportError: dlopen(/Applications/, 2): Library not loaded: @loader_path/libsz.2.dylib

Referenced from: /Applications/

Reason: image not found

I am using PsychoPy 3.06 and OSX 10.14.3.

Also I typed in the code segment from the book and it goes to:

io = client.ioHubConnection(io_config)

and then get the give away error:

WARNING: pytables package not found. ioHub functionality will be disabled.

So you are 100% correct on problem, but what do I do? I think I need to do some surgery on my stand along PsychoPy3, but have absolutely no idea of what. Just because I am bold beyond my knowledge or ability, I checked package contents and traced the following 3 things and they were there: > Contents > Resources > lib > python3.6 > tables > > Contents > Resources > lib > python3.6 > tables > > Contents > Resources > lib > python3.6 > tables > libhdf5.10.dylib

So it seems like everything is there but I don’t know.