Specifying stop duration value with mic component causes Psychopy to crash with no error message


I would like to report a similar issue, originally posted as “Mic does not record the first few trials, then it does record the rest ok” (full details there)

As far as I can tell, the issue I observe is not solved by the suggestions above .

I my script,

I have noted that int the first few trials, an empty wave file of the right duration is generated. After a few trials (between 3 and 5 in various tests), the recording starts to work properly midway during the 2 sec window. From there on, all the trials (~15 in the test) are perfectly recorded.

I have added an “empty padding” after the end of the fixed mic recording duration, as suggested, followed by another stimulus (empty picture) that terminates the trial:

The “bug” (i.e. empty recording for the first few trials) occurs for gap duration that I have changed between .1 and 1 second (longer duration would be too long for the experimental protocol)

Thanks in advance for any advice, Xavier