OS (e.g. Win10): Windows 10
PsychoPy version (e.g. 1.84.x): 1.85.3 (or 1.83.4)
Standard Standalone?: Standalone 1.83.4 OR
Standalone 1.85.3 + pyo_0.8.6_py2.7_setup.exe for Windows, python 2.7, 32-bit from Dropbox - File Deleted (To fix pyo bug) + hardcoded sample rate in microphone.py.
What are you trying to achieve?:
Set a microphone component to record the entire experiment. Simultanoeusly, record during individual routines.
What did you try to make it work?:
My experiment works fine on several Windows 7 PCs which run 1.83.04. Trying to run the same experiment on a Windows 10 machine, it does not. I’ve isolated the problem:
mwe-simultaneous mics crash.psyexp (4.4 KB)
I started with Standalone v1.83.4 on the new machine, but that doesn’t work. I switched to the latest Psychopy. After patching pyo & microphone.py to avoid the errors described in other threads, I’m back at the same problem I had with v1.83.04.
What specifically went wrong when you tried that?:
After a few trials, the experiment crashes. The only error message is “Pythonw.exe stopped working”.
If the trial records for 1 second, it crashes after 4 trials. If the trial records for 2-20 seconds, it crashes after 2 trials.