Sound not working when upload to pavlovia

URL of experiment: NSF_2A [PsychoPy]
Educational Neuroscience Laboratory / NSF_2A_1 · GitLab

Description of the problem: In one part of my experiment, participants hear a sound and are told the answer to a trivia question. This is presented as both text and sound. The sound file is embedded in a csv with the other conditions for each trial. Before they start the experimental phase of this study they do 3 sound checks to make sure their sound is working and these are all currently working in this study. When they get to the experimental phase (condition sheets) the sound is no longer working, it only works the first time (for the first question) and then does not play for any other question (31 questions total). The sound does work for all questions when in psychopy but is just not translating to pavlovia. All other elements are being correctly loaded from conditions spreadsheet. I have uploaded the sound files to the “Additional Resourses” area of the online settings on psychopy. I just am usure how to fix this since everything else is being loaded correctly from the csv, it is just the sounds, but the first sound works. All sounds are .wav files.

Any information on how to get all the sound files to work would be greatly appreciated. Again the first sound file and the sound tests are working. It is just the subsequent sound files that are pulled from the csv (except the 1st one) that are not playing automatically or at all.

Thank you!

Try putting the start time as 0.1 seconds