Sending triggers with BrainVision TriggerBox: multiple trigger + errors

Hello everyone!

I am using Psychopy to build a visual oddball paradigm that consists in a presentation of two different types of stimuli. I would like to assign to each of them a different trigger to know which of them is displayed on the screen.

I am working with a laptop and I am using the BrainVision TriggerBox. I followed the steps reported here to send triggers via a serial port Sending triggers via a Serial Port — PsychoPy v2023.2.3.

However, if I reference a variable from my condition file in the Start data field ($trigID), it gives me an error.

I’ll leave also the condition file:
CondFile_19.xlsx (14.5 KB)

Thank you in advance!

Hello everyone!

I found the solution and I want to share it in case someone has the same problem.
In the serialPort Properties, in the start data tab I wrote $chr(trigID) and in the stop data $chr(0).

Hope it could be helpful,
