OS : Win 10
PsychoPy version : V 2021.2.3
What are you trying to achieve?:
I’m trying to get Psychopy to send triggers to our brainvision EEG system through a serial port. The goal is to send triggers both when the stimuli (images) are presented and when the response key is pressed.
Below is the overview of the task in Psychopy:
I have a loop for the routine (ValenceRating) to show 1 image per iteration. Below is the condition file for this loop:
Below you can see the code I have so far in both “begin experiment” and “begin routine” tabs for triggers:
My questions:
With a serial port, how can I read triggers from the condition file (is there a way to read through the trigger column when calling the triggers in Psychopy)? Right now I wrote “…” in the code in the “begin routine” tab because I didn’t know what should I placed there in order for the code to work.
How to send triggers for more than one component in a routine? Right now with the code in the ‘begin routine’ tab, I expect Psychopy to send triggers for the first component in the routine. But I don’t know what to add to the code to also send triggers for the other components (for example in this task, third component (response key)) as well.
Options for the possibility to integrate serial port as a component? (Similar to the parallel port component option). This will probably help us with the second question as well.
Thank you very much in advance.
Best wishes,