OS: Win10
PsychoPy version (e.g. 1.84.x): 2.3
Standard Standalone? (y/n) y
What are you trying to achieve?: I am currently planning an experiment where I have four different conditions - videos with positive and negative facial expressions with or without speech (1. positive visual, 2. positive visual-verbal, 3. negative visual, and 4. negative visual-verbal). Each condition has 32 trials for a total of 128 and are in a loop. The other issue is that my trials are named differently depending on which condition they’re in, so I need to specify which trials belong to which condition too.
I want to connect Tobii Pro Lab with PsychoPy so that the eye-tracker notes which of the four conditions it is recording at the moment, so I can then analyze the eye movements based on that, not just average across all conditions.
What did you try to make it work?: Basically nothing, since I can’t code and I just started with PsychoPy. Also, the PC that I’m working on has no connection to the Internet. I have installed the plug-in for Tobii within PsychoPy and asked chatGPT to help with figuring out the solution for my case.
The response from chatGPT seems plausible with specifying the conditions and mapping and labeling (things I have no idea about), but I can’t get past through the first step which is:
Import Tobii Pro SDK
from tobii_research import tobii_research as tr
Initialize Tobii Pro Lab connection
tobii_pro_lab = tr.initialize()
I get an error saying it’s not possible and I wonder if the plug-in didn’t install correctly since I did it offline and manually or just because the PC is not connected to the Internet.
Any help will be appreciated, especially if your tips are for the Builder view, not the Coder.