I’m running an elicited spoken production study and due to issues going on right now I am unable to run my study in person and must do it online.
I’m wondering, is there a way to code my experiment to record spoken productions from my participants online?
Appreciate any help, I’ve built out my experiment using the builder and am able to run it on pavlovia I would just like to be able to record participants’ spoken responses.
I am building a spoken production study as well and I’m wondering if there is any news about this topic and if the option to record audio during online experiments will be implemented soon.
Hi @wakecarter, that sounds really cool. I was wondering if you have any updates on this experiment. It’d be awesome if we can record audio verbal responses online. Thanks!
you could try recording your participants in Zoom during the experiment over the recording button – maybe without camera feed.
Or you could call them before the experiment (phone, Whatsapp), put them on speaker and record with another program (like Audacity) directly on your computer.
Both work very well from the sound quality perspective.
For info, we anticipate releasing this functionality in June as part of 2021.2.0 including transcription via Azure or Google if you have an API key for one of those services
Either way, the part about setting up a GoogleAPI key is only needed if you want google-translate to provide a text transcription of what was said. If you only need the audio file you can skip that