Raspberry Pi (5) - psychopy libraries

Dear all,

I have been searching a lot on this issue, and it seems that since many years users are trying to get psychopy working on a raspberry Pi. I have bought a model 5 and trying to install psychopy libraries but running an infinite number of issues. Was wondering if anyone ever advanced on this ? Would be a great achievement to get this working on a raspberry (portability etc etc). Thanks for the help

This seems an open issue but still unsolved. Quite sad.

Could you describe the things you’ve run into? Some of the things I’d imagine coming up would be:

Another option (that might be less useful at this point) that covers the portability part and could cut down on compatibility issues is to use a single-board computer based on an Intel chip, e.g. the N100-based Radxa X4. The utility of that depends on your specific needs, since there are hardware differences (e.g. the IO pins on that SBC are accessed through a separate RP2040 chip).