I am currently designing a flanker task experiment and am stuck on how to pull conditions from specific rows from a block CSV every two trials.
Here is a summary of the experiment’s structure. There are two loops: an outer loop, “block” and an inner loop, “trials”. Within “block” loop only, there are two components: instructions and countdown. In the “trials” loop, there are two components: the image stimuli and feedback based on user’s response. The conditions of “block” are chooseBlock.csv, which contains blocks 1, 2, and 3, while the conditions of “trials” is $condsFile. Block 1 contains stimuli with color conditions only and Block 2 contains stimuli with shape conditions only. Block 3 contains both - the first chunk of rows (1-15) which are shape only and the second chunk of rows (16-31) which are color only.
During Block 3, I want the user to determine the stimuli’s color, and every two trials, to determine the stimuli’s shape. All of the images within the shape-only are the same as those in color-only. I was thinking something similar to this custom code:
import random;
if block.thisN == 3:
if trials.thisN % 3 == 0:
The pseudo code would be, if this block trial number is the every 2nd,
select a random stimuli from the shape rows
if else,
select a random stimuli from color rows
I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to implement this in the builder? Thank you! Please let me know where I should be more specific.