A couple months ago, a collaborator and I begin adapting a Psychopy task originally written in v2021.2.3 (for an online study). The first time we edited the task, we did so in v2023.2.3. However, we quickly realized that we needed to use v2021.2.3 instead, and made all subsequent edits using that version.
Unfortunately, after making a great many changes to the task using Windows computers, we’ve discovered that we cannot open the task in the Builder on Macs. More specifically, we cannot open any version of the task after changes were made to it in v2023.2.3. It seems that, after a task has been saved in v2023.2.3, it cannot be opened on Mac computers - thought it can be opened on Windows (I’ve done a couple tests to confirm this).
Is there any way to open the latest version of our task on a Mac? Perhaps by somehow reversing the changes made to it by v2023.2.3?
Here’s the link to the original GitLab repository for the task: Sign in · GitLab. The task ceases to work on Macs at commit 6cc47ae8. Partway through the project, we had to create a new repository for the task (for unrelated reasons), here: Sign in · GitLab . That’s where the latest version of the code can be found.