Win10; PsychoPy version 2023.2.3; standard standalone.
I am trying to use a Gazepoint eyetracker. I have installed the psychopy-eyetracker-gzepoint plugin as instructed, but it repeatedly returns the following error:
DEPRECATION The Gazepoint eyetracker requires package ‘psychopy-eyetracker-gazepoint’ to be installed. Please install this package and restart the session to enable support.
I have tried installing it both through PsychoPy’s builtin plugin manager and using the command prompt on my PC, and in neither case was it successful.
The trace code error is as follows:
Error during device creation …
_addDeviceView: Error adding class.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\iohub\”, line 715, in createNewMonitoredDevice
dev_data = self.addDeviceToMonitor(dev_cls_name, dev_conf)
File “C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\iohub\”, line 849, in addDeviceToMonitor
_dconf = yload(open(dev_conf_pth, ‘r’), Loader=yLoader)
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\iohub\devices\eyetracker\hw\gazepoint\gp3\default_eyetracker.yaml’
Many thanks,
Were you able to sort this out
I have exactly the same problem: the plugin is correctly installed, but the error message appears. Has anyone had the same experience and can help with that?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\iohub\”, line 649, in _addDevices
self.createNewMonitoredDevice(dev_cls_name, dev_conf)
File “C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\iohub\”, line 728, in createNewMonitoredDevice
raise ioHubError(‘Error during device creation …’)
psychopy.iohub.errors.ioHubError: ioHubError:
Args: (‘Error during device creation …’,)
8.7125 DEPRECATION The Gazepoint eyetracker requires package ‘psychopy-eyetracker-gazepoint’ to be installed. Please install this package and restart the session to enable support.
8.7136 DEPRECATION The Gazepoint eyetracker requires package ‘psychopy-eyetracker-gazepoint’ to be installed. Please install this package and restart the session to enable support.
1.8410 DEPRECATION The Gazepoint eyetracker requires package ‘psychopy-eyetracker-gazepoint’ to be installed. Please install this package and restart the session to enable support.
1.8457 DEPRECATION The Gazepoint eyetracker requires package ‘psychopy-eyetracker-gazepoint’ to be installed. Please install this package and restart the session to enable support.