PsychoPy 2022.1.2 not opening on my computer anymore

I got PsychoPy2022.1.2 several days ago. It was working well offline. All of a sudden, I can’t even open the program. I have to open it several times and experiments are no longer working after no change was made to them. When I touch the app to open it, it shows as if it’s going to open, it opens some windows for several seconds and then completely closes again.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, but it didn’t work. I’ll tried erasing the installer and reinstalling it again from a newly downloaded installer and it didn’t work either. Not sure what to do at this point.

My computer is a Surfest:

Device name Multilingual-Interprer-Lab
Processor Intel(R) Core™ i7-7660U CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz
Installed RAM 8.00 GB
Device ID 90B3C900-65D7-4BF9-93D8-EEE82A848FBF
Product ID 00330-62913-43366-AAOEM
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch Pen and touch support with 10 touch points

I understand it’s sufficient and shouldn’t have any issues running the program.

Please advise! Thank you in advance!

I downloaded the program to my Mac computer and it’s working (I still have to figure out what happened with my Surfest Windows computer where PsychoPy is not working anymore). I was able to run the experiments offline. I synchronized one of them successfully but when trying to run it, it gives me an 403 Forbidden error. I will check the forum to see if anyone had this issue and was given a solution.

If you get a 403 forbidden error check that Experiment Settings / Online / Output path blank and a JS file is being created.

It worked. Two of my experiments work now. Thank you so much!

Now I am working on the last two experiments. One with video and one with audio. The video one is the one I am working with at the moment. It has a 112 short 2-3sec videos. So its taking forever to synchronize. I hope it does. I don’t want to interrupt it. For the moment. Thank you for the input. It really helped.


when it is taking forever to synchronize, it probably takes also forever to load the videos when running the experiment online. How large are the videos that your participants will see?

Best wishes Jens

Hi Jens,

The videos are 2-4sec long (8-10.8Mb). There are a total of 119 videos.

Best wishes,


If your participants have to download all videos they download approximately 1.119 Mb (10 Mb x 119 videos). That might take some time depending on the internet connection. You could distribute the loading across the experiment using the lastest PsychoPy-version.

Best wishes Jens

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