PsychoPy 2020.2.3 is not uploading on Pavlovia

I’m struggling to replicate this, however you can force data saving by adding a Code component with this in End Routine:

thisExp.addData('```textbox name```', ```textbox name```.text)
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Thank you @TParsons. This worked for me.

I tried to add this to my routine but it did not work. I added the code component, copied this into it, and added it to the list of my editable textbox components. Is it supposed to be in its own routine?

Hi @Hasademi,
I was also struggling with this but adding the following two lines in a Code Component (End Routine) sorted out everything. The first line fixes the column not being saved to the Excel file whereas the second one refreshes the screen for the next trial.
Hope this helps.

psychoJS.experiment.addData(“textbox.text”, textbox._pixi.text);
textbox._pixi.text = ‘’;

@mison No problem, could you send me a link to your Gitlab repository or .psyexp, so I can take a look? Thanks, s.

Hello @sotiri , I’m very new to the PsychoPy community but I’m having a lot of issues getting my textbox to work when running my experiment online. It works fine running it locally but does not allow you to type in responses when run it online. If you can provide any solutions it would be greatly appreciated.
Also, I’m not sure I’m posting the most helpful links below so if you need anything else let me know.

Hi @sydperry14, no problem, would it be possible to give me developer access? Thanks, s.

Yes! You should have access now.

Alright thanks, please allow me some time to investigate further, x

Hi @sydperry14, unfortunately there are resources missing from your project, which is keeping me from being able to properly preview the online version, but it sounds like multiline TextBox is what you need? For now you need to manually edit your JS to include that option as shown in the support fork. Please let me know if you need more details, x