Project unable to sync. Won't permit local path

URL of experiment:

Description of the problem: I have seen others who have had this error but I have not been able to fix mine as of yet. Below is the error I receive - does this mean that I have to remove all git files from my desktop? I don’t really have another directory that this can go through without using my desktop. The exact folder I am using has nothing other than this experiment in it. Thanks for any advice.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Applications/”, line 160, in submitChanges
File “/Applications/”, line 755, in getRepo
.format(repr(self.localRoot), repr(gitRoot)))
AttributeError: The requested local path for project
sits inside another folder, which git will not permit. You might like to set the project local folder to be
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Applications/”, line 122, in onNew
retVal = syncProject(parent=self.parent, project=projEditor.project)
File “/Applications/”, line 501, in syncProject
if project.getRepo(forceRefresh=True) is None:
File “/Applications/”, line 755, in getRepo
.format(repr(self.localRoot), repr(gitRoot)))
AttributeError: The requested local path for project
sits inside another folder, which git will not permit. You might like to set the project local folder to be
22.6535 WARNING Project snorwood/mts_1 has changed gitlab ID since last use (was 36483 now 36498)
29.5622 INFO Investigating repo at /Users/temp/Desktop

@snorwood, the error message suggests you are trying to create a project in a subdirectory of a current project. You may have already created a project on your desktop, which would have created a hidden .git folder. If your desktop folder is a Pavlovia project folder (which is not recommended), then try creating your project from another directory, e.g., Documents. Alternatively, you will need to inspect your desktop with hidden folders visible, and delete the .git folder on your desktop. Now, you should be able to create projects in subdirectories of the desktop.

@dvbridges thanks for the quick reply. That has solved that error. However, now when I try to pilot it, if I click run online from the experiment runner, it gives me a 404 error. If I try to pilot it from Pavlovia, I get a 403 error. I realise this is a different question, I do apologise.

@snorwood, difficult to know without more info. Do you get any error messages in the Runner when you sync the experiment?

No. And the sync says it’s successful as well.

Ok, would you mind sharing your project URL?

@snorwood, looks like you have not created the HTML and JS. First, check your Experiment Settings in the Builder view, and ensure that the export html setting is set to “on sync” and try again. Alternatively, go to File menu, and click “Export HTML”, then try and sync again.

@dvbridges, that’s worked! Thank you for your patience and help.