OS: Sonoma14.6.1
PsychoPy version: 2024.2.1
Standard Standalone
What are you trying to achieve?
Launch the PsychoPy app.
What did you try to make it work?
I reinstalled the PsychoPy app.
I installed different versions of PsychoPy.
I got rid of apps running in the background.
What specifically went wrong when you tried that?
The PsychoPy app either takes a very long of time to launch, or doesn’t launch at all.
To provide an update, I managed to speed up the launch after opening PsychoPy → Preferences and unticking the “checkForUpdates” box and changing the audiodevice to my laptop rather than my extended display. However, the launch is still slow, so I opened the last_app_load.log and found the following:
6.8005 DEBUG Opening message catalog /Applications/PsychoPy2024.2.1.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.10/psychopy/localization/…/app/locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGE/messages.mo for locale en_US
PTB-INFO: Using PortAudio V19.7.0-devel, revision unknown
158.7142 INFO Trying to load audio library: PTB
159.5348 INFO Loaded psychtoolbox audio version
159.5356 INFO sound is using audioLib: ptb
173.8040 INFO Calling psychopy.plugins.activatePlugins(), but no plugins have been found in active distributions.
174.6771 DEBUG PavloviaLoggedIn
184.7462 WARNING Couldn’t connect to psychopy.org
Check internet settings (and proxy setting in PsychoPy Preferences.
So, it looks like loading the PTB audio library is what is taking so long. I’ve tried changing the audio library in userPrefs.cfg, but everytime I launch PsychoPy it reverts the userPrefs.cfg code to what it was before…