Problem with increasing duration of polygon shape component before response routine


We are two students who are pretty new to Psychopy. We’re running into a problem with the duration of our polygon shape component.
One trial in our experiment consists of showing 20 images which are alternated with a grey screen (polygon shape component) for 300ms. After each trial, we have a response routine, consisting of a text component, two polygon shape components, and a keyboard component. The duration of the images and the grey screens are mostly fine, except for the last grey screen before the response routine. The duration of this grey screen is around 500ms at the beginning of the experiment and gets progressively longer as the experiment goes on (up to 2 seconds!). We have no clue as to why this is happening and were wondering if anyone can help us figure out what is going on and what we can do about it.

Thank you!

PsychoPy version (e.g. 1.84.x): v.2022.2.5

What is happening at the end of the routine with the grey screen and at the beginning of the response routine? If the time is increasing it sounds like there might be some Begin Routine code in the response routine which gets more complex as the experiment progresses.