URL of experiment: Pavlovia
Description of the problem: I got an error message when I pushed the Sync button. It said that I had a problem with more than one repository pulling the resources from the same folder. So I deleted all experiments related to it in pavlovia. I also added an html folder with the resources and other documents because PsychoPy didn’t create it during the synchronization. Now I am getting the following error: “when setting up a preload queue” and "unable to download resource: ASLLDTStimulusVideosFilePath.xlsx (ASLLDTStimulusVideosFilePath.xlsx).
there is no need to create a html-folder when using a current version of PsychoPy. Try to follow the suggestions documented here to learn how to address resources in PsychoPy
Best wishes Jens
Thank you for answering Jens,
When I don’t have the html folder I get the following error! This one has me stuck in this project. I have received advise for it before but I haven’t been successful at fixing it.
Hello Ricky,
so you are back to
or here
It might be helpful to make your project public on Pavlovia so that one can fork it. Or to create a toy version of your experiment that throws the same error and post it here (:psyexp; any movies, *.xlsx-files).
I have no idea what the error message means.
BTW, 119 videos, 8-12 mb large, is a lot for an online experiment.
Best wishes Jens
Hello Jens,
A consultant helped me solve the issue. Thank you so much for your response!
Would you mind sharing the solution so others with this issue (like myself) can see what fixed it? Thank you!