I have created an experiment that works perfectly offline. However, when I test it online via Pavlovia, I get the message “From “run.pavlovia.org”: Are you sure you want to leave this page?” every time a new trial starts…
No, unfortunately this message also appears when I use the Run link. There are some code components, but these are just some settings (e.g. defining a correct answer). It worked fine until this morning. I added a survey and some additional code, then noticed the error when running the experiment online. However, even though I have removed each new change, I am unable to run it normally without the “Are you sure you want to leave this page?” message. Do you have any idea what I might have accidentally set for the online version?
At the moment there is no survey component in my experiment as I have deleted it again. I have also designed an independent new dummy experiment, but I get the same message in every trial when I run it on pavlovia.
Oh, that’s strange…I never generate a “cross2/central” experiment and there is no code at all in the dummy version…
The word “central” only appears in the .csv file read into the dummy experiment.