I’ve made this code based on Pyo and this works perfectly if I run it in the IDE i.e. Pycharm. But now i want to translate it to a Psychopy experiment. If i copy-paste the code, I can make it run if I make a single trial (import part in Before experiment tab, rest of code in Begin routine tab) but after that I get stuck. Adding text interferes with the code, trying to use the sound stimulus is not working. I’ll keep trying but I just want the sound to be simply either left or right based on the choice of a list. I’ve tried going through a lot of previous posts and also on other sites but I have not enough progamming knowledge to understand that yet and am wondering if there is not a simple solution like the one im using where it chooses either 0 or 1 for the output channel. Thanks in advance!
import sys, time
from pyo import *
import random
import time
s = Server().boot() # boot the server for pyo
s.start() # to automatically start the sounds
n = Sine(freq=40) # sine frequency to make the right tapping stimulus
choices_list = [ # a list of the 4 combinations possible for the stimuli, 3x for 12 trials
{"channel": 0, "amplitude": 0.3},
{"channel": 1, "amplitude": 0.7},
{"channel": 0, "amplitude": 0.7},
{"channel": 1, "amplitude": 0.3},
{"channel": 0, "amplitude": 0.3},
{"channel": 1, "amplitude": 0.7},
{"channel": 0, "amplitude": 0.7},
{"channel": 1, "amplitude": 0.3},
{"channel": 0, "amplitude": 0.3},
{"channel": 1, "amplitude": 0.7},
{"channel": 0, "amplitude": 0.7},
{"channel": 1, "amplitude": 0.3},
for x in range(12): # creating a for loop to cycle randomly through the stimuli
selected_combination = choices_list.pop(random.randrange(len(choices_list))) # popping each used item from the list to prevent it from returning too often
print(selected_combination) # prints the chosen combination
n_channel_selector = selected_combination["channel"] # takes the channel from the selected combination
s.amp = selected_combination["amplitude"] # sets the amplitude to that from the selected combination
print(s.amp) # prints the chosen amplitude
n.out(n_channel_selector) # outputs the sine wave, from the chosen channel
time.sleep(0.1) # sleep to create the duration of the stimulus (tap)
n.stop() # stop the wave