URL of experiment: Pavlovia
Description of the problem: I am working on a memory experiment and I should pull the words from an xlsx file. The experiment works properly on Psychopy but I face with this error (when importing condition: words.xlsx) on Pavlovia. The code creating the problem is below:
lists = new TrialHandler({
psychoJS: psychoJS,
nReps: 1, method: TrialHandler.Method.fullRANDOM,
extraInfo: null, originPath: (- 1),
trialList: ‘words.xlsx’,
seed: null, name: ‘lists’});
I appreciate any help!
What’s the error message?
Sorry if it was not clear. It is below.
"Unfortunately we encountered the following error:
- when importing condition: words.xlsx
- when getting the value of resource: words.xlsx
unknown resource"
Try adding it under Experiment Settings / Online
OMG it worked! I do not know how to thank you!!
You’re welcome. For running PsychoPy experiments online, I’d recommend looking at my crib sheet.
I saw it very late but it helped a lot! Thank you for creating it. I share this document with everyone interested in running online experiments.
Hey guys, we are having the same problem but could not figure out where the Experiment Setting /Online located. Sorry we are newbies in Pavlovia!
Experiment Settings is in Builder and looks like a cog on a white window with a blue title bar to the right of monitor settings (two monitors).
Hi everyone! I am just starting my journey with PsychoPy and Pavlovia, so I am very new to this. I have encountered the same problem. The experiment file includes excel and images, and it works in PsychoPy (2022.2.5). But when I try to sync it with Pavlovia, the same error always appears. I followed your advice, but the error is still there 
Do you know any other way to fix this?