Participant Remote Access?

Hello all,

We are having a hard time figuring out if Psychopy will allow us to run an experiment remotely. We are looking to have the participant participate in a research task using Psychopy from home. Is that possible? If it is, does it store our data somewhere, other than the participant’s computer at home, where we could retrieve the data? We were hoping to lower the number of times a participant would come into the lab and wondered if our drag and drop task could be done from home.


You’re in luck. Download the beta version of PsychoPy 3, which allows experiments to be run online via a web browser. The user doesn’t need to install PsychoPy, and the data is gathered centrally for you.


Thank you for your quick reply. Where would I be able to find this feature in PsychoPy. I have downloaded the version you suggested. And started to build the experiment. Would you be able to explain how the data would be centrally gathered by us? This part is not at all clear to me how that would work.


You build and test your experiment locally in PsychoPy Builder as per normal. Then you upload it to run from the website.

Go to that website and create an account. Then you can use the row of “world-like” icons in the PsychoPy toolbar to upload your experiment to you account on Pavlovia. You then give your participants the link to run your particular experiment.

See this video for an overview: