Usually, the overlaps method for visual objects works fine for me, but I’ve just run into a problem with it that has completely baffled me. When I try to check whether two rectangles overlap, it gives me False, even when they obviously do overlap. I made a variation on the shapeContains demo code to check what happened, and it appears that the overlap is only detected when the end point of one rectangle is inside the other rectangle. This is the code I used:
from __future__ import division
from psychopy import visual, event, core
win = visual.Window(size=(10, 10), fullScreen=False, monitor='testMonitor', units='deg')
mouse = event.Mouse()
txt = 'click the shape to quit\nscroll to adjust circle'
instr = visual.TextStim(win, text=txt, pos=(0, -.7), opacity=0.5)
msg = visual.TextStim(win, text=' ', pos=(0, -.4))
# a target rectangle (horizontal bar):
shape = visual.Rect(win, width=5, height=0.2, lineWidth=1, lineColor=(-1,1,-1), fillColor=(-1,1,-1), pos=[0,0], autoLog=False, name='green_goal_hr')
# another rectangle (diagonal bar):
bufzone = visual.ShapeStim(win, lineWidth=0, fillColor='green', opacity=0.2, vertices=((-3.0,-3.0),(-2.8,-3.2),(0.5,0.5),(0.3,0.7)), autoLog=False)
# loop until detect a click inside the shape:
while not mouse.isPressedIn(shape):
# diagonal bar follows mouse pointer:
bufzone.pos = mouse.getPos() # follow the mouse
# is the mouse inside the shape (hovering over it)?
if shape.contains(mouse):
msg.text = 'inside'
shape.opacity = bufzone.opacity = 1
elif shape.overlaps(bufzone):
msg.text = 'near'
shape.opacity = bufzone.opacity = 0.6
msg.text = 'far away'
shape.opacity = bufzone.opacity = 0.2
bufzone.draw() # drawing helps visualize the mechanics
What I was actually trying to do was the following: in my experiment, circles move around in a box with a wall in the middle, through which they can sometimes pass (see picture below). In two of the corners of the box, there are ‘goals’, one green and one red. Each time a circle reaches the wall in the middle, a probe (small dot) might appear, and I want to capture some information about the scene at that moment, including whether the circle was moving towards one of the goals. The easiest way, I figured, was to make a line that runs from the circle towards the edge of the box, extrapolating its velocity such that it definitely reaches the edge of the box, so that I can check whether this ‘future path’ overlaps with one of the goals. Since .overlap() does not work with lines, I used rectangular shapestims, but that appeared not to work.
It would really help me if someone knows a better solution to checking where my circles are going (a fast method, because the circles need to keep moving), but I’m already happy if my post helps to improve .overlaps().